(video) Campanie neobişnuită în SUA: bani în loc de amenzi din partea poliţiei! Reacţia şoferilor
În Statele Unite ale Americii amenzile pentru încălcarea regulilor de circulaţie rutieră nu sunt deloc mici, iar pentru unii şoferi momentul în care sunt traşi pe drepta constituie o adevărată neplăcere a vieţii. Nu şi pentru 50 de conducători auto care au fost aleşi în mod aleatoriu pentru a fi parte a campaniei “Operation Random Acts of Kindness”, desfăşurată pentru al cincilea an consecutiv pe coasta de vest a ţării.
Membrii sectorului de poliţie din Madera, California, au decis să recompenseze șoferi care au încălcat minor regulile în cadrul unei campanii aşa-numite “50 de acte de bunătate”. Șeriful Jay Varney a menţionat că astfel de activităţi le permit oamenilor legii să comunice cu cetățenii într-un mod pozitiv și să le ofere o dispoziție festivă.
Forțele de ordine din California au mulțumit sponsorului evenimentului, Agriland, menționând că acordarea de cadouri sub formă felicitări cu câte o bancnotă de $100 în loc de amenzi va fi o amintire plăcută și va contribui la creșterea loialității publice față de poliţie.
*SOUND ON* Operation: Random Acts of Kindness 2019 ????
For the fifth consecutive year, #MCSODeputies teamed up with Agriland Farming Company Inc. employees to commit 50 Random Acts of Kindness throughout Madera County. Thanks to their generous donation of $5,000, deputies handed out 50 $100 bills today. #SheriffVarney mentioned that deputies primarily have contact with citizens when something stressful or bad is happening. This annual giving event allows deputies an opportunity to interact with the public in a positive manner and spread some holiday cheer.Thank you to Agriland employees for your continued partnership, support, and commitment to our community. We are grateful that they have allowed us the unique privilege of being a part of this wonderful act of generosity each year.
Posted by Madera County Sheriff’s Office on Monday, December 23, 2019
*SOUND ON* Operation: Random Acts of Kindness 2019 ????
For the fifth consecutive year, #MCSODeputies teamed up with Agriland Farming Company Inc. employees to commit 50 Random Acts of Kindness throughout Madera County. Thanks to their generous donation of $5,000, deputies handed out 50 $100 bills today. #SheriffVarney mentioned that deputies primarily have contact with citizens when something stressful or bad is happening. This annual giving event allows deputies an opportunity to interact with the public in a positive manner and spread some holiday cheer.Thank you to Agriland employees for your continued partnership, support, and commitment to our community. We are grateful that they have allowed us the unique privilege of being a part of this wonderful act of generosity each year.
Posted by Madera County Sheriff’s Office on Monday, December 23, 2019
*SOUND ON* Operation: Random Acts of Kindness 2019 ????
For the fifth consecutive year, #MCSODeputies teamed up with Agriland Farming Company Inc. employees to commit 50 Random Acts of Kindness throughout Madera County. Thanks to their generous donation of $5,000, deputies handed out 50 $100 bills today. #SheriffVarney mentioned that deputies primarily have contact with citizens when something stressful or bad is happening. This annual giving event allows deputies an opportunity to interact with the public in a positive manner and spread some holiday cheer.Thank you to Agriland employees for your continued partnership, support, and commitment to our community. We are grateful that they have allowed us the unique privilege of being a part of this wonderful act of generosity each year.
Posted by Madera County Sheriff’s Office on Monday, December 23, 2019
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