(foto) Crossoverul Infiniti QX60 a suferit un prim retuş estetic

Compania Infiniti a actualizat pentru prima dată crossoverul cu şapte locuri QX60, care anterior era numit JX. Premiera publică a automobilului va avea loc în luna ianuarie a anului 2016, la Salonul auto de la Detroit.

NASHVILLE (Dec. 15, 2016) – Infiniti has comprehensively enhanced its versatile QX60 premium crossover for 2016, introducing a wide range of changes that improve the seven-seater’s exterior design and its driving dynamics, while showcasing new features and technologies that improve comfort, convenience and safety.

După actualizare, tot-terenul a suferit o schimbare cardinală a părţii frontale a caroseriei. În linii generale, a apărut o nouă grilă a radiatorului, o nouă bară de protecţie, noi blocuri optice, faruri anticeaţă cu LED-uri. În partea posterioară se văd alte corpuri de iluminat şi o bară de protecţie modificată.

NASHVILLE (Dec. 15, 2016) – Infiniti has comprehensively enhanced its versatile QX60 premium crossover for 2016, introducing a wide range of changes that improve the seven-seater’s exterior design and its driving dynamics, while showcasing new features and technologies that improve comfort, convenience and safety.

Crossoverul a suferit şi câteva inovaţii tehnice, primind noi arcuri şi amortizoare, care vor spori rigiditatea caroseriei în viraje. Manevrabilitatea a devenit mai bună datorită servodirecţiei resetate.

Gama de motoare a rămas aceeaşi. Crossoverul va fi oferit clienţilor cu un motor atmosferic V6 de 3.5 litri volum, care generează 262 CP şi 334 Nm, dar şi cu o unitate de propulsie hibridă. Aceasta din urmă va fi compusă dintr-un motor cu patru cilindri de 2.5 litri, un motor electric şi un set de acumulatori litiu-ion. Puterea totală va constitui 250 CP şi 330 Nm de cuplu. Ambele propulsoare vor fi cuplate la un variator X-Tronic.

NASHVILLE (Dec. 15, 2016) – Infiniti has comprehensively enhanced its versatile QX60 premium crossover for 2016, introducing a wide range of changes that improve the seven-seater’s exterior design and its driving dynamics, while showcasing new features and technologies that improve comfort, convenience and safety.

Noul Infiniti QX60 va beneficia de nişte geamuri laterale şi un parbriz, făcute din trei straturi de sticlă, ceea ce va îmbunătăţi izolarea fonică. Inginerii au reuşit să micşoreze şi nivelul vibraţiilor motorului datorită unor suporturi active, disponibile doar pe versiunea hibridă.

NASHVILLE (Dec. 15, 2016) – Infiniti has comprehensively enhanced its versatile QX60 premium crossover for 2016, introducing a wide range of changes that improve the seven-seater’s exterior design and its driving dynamics, while showcasing new features and technologies that improve comfort, convenience and safety.

NASHVILLE (Dec. 15, 2016) – Infiniti has comprehensively enhanced its versatile QX60 premium crossover for 2016, introducing a wide range of changes that improve the seven-seater’s exterior design and its driving dynamics, while showcasing new features and technologies that improve comfort, convenience and safety.

NASHVILLE (Dec. 15, 2016) – Infiniti has comprehensively enhanced its versatile QX60 premium crossover for 2016, introducing a wide range of changes that improve the seven-seater’s exterior design and its driving dynamics, while showcasing new features and technologies that improve comfort, convenience and safety.

NASHVILLE (Dec. 15, 2016) – Infiniti has comprehensively enhanced its versatile QX60 premium crossover for 2016, introducing a wide range of changes that improve the seven-seater’s exterior design and its driving dynamics, while showcasing new features and technologies that improve comfort, convenience and safety.

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